
That didn’t last long on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Tried to get a picture of the raukuchen at Dad’s memorial today. Next time I’ll need to either be way faster or make a lot more raukuchen!
Like any memorial I’ve ever been to worth it’s salt, it turned into one hell of a party. An absolutely pitch perfect send off that Dad would be upset he wasn’t able to attend.

Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Happened across this while walking over to Kits to pick Trajan up from Grandma’s.

Yay Summer! on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan and I share a love of Stanley Park. It would be pretty awful if he didn’t given how much time we spend there!
Today, we walked almost all the way to Prospect Point. This was on the way back when he got his second wind.

Sunbow?!? on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Or, perhaps a rip in the space/time continuum? I suspect that the bright colours are intended to lull us into a trance like state ahead of the apocalypse that this surely portends.
I suspect that Bruce Willis is piloting the plain in the lower left hand corner, ready to save us from whatever evil this is that lurks in the sky.

New Chairs for Everyone! on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Dad’s got a new to me Herman Miller Mirra chair from my Dad’s stuff so, for a few days until I can pass my older, slightly less hip Herman Miller chair off to a friend, so does Trajan.
I think my friend might have to fight him for it though!

Angela and Jason on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
So looking forward to shooting their wedding in July. And, I don’t often look forward to shooting weddings!

Deconstructing the Film Era on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
A sad day today as one of the most visible vestiges of the film era of photography in Vancouver falls to the wrecking ball. The old ABC Photocolour lab on West 4th is getting knocked down to make way for yet more condos, just like everything else in Vancouver.
Not as sad as it could be though as ABC Photo lives on in their new location at Cambie and 15th, formerly the location of G King photo labs.
Vancouver’s actually a pretty lucky place for a film photographer to live still with a fairly healthy ecosystem still in place. There’s The Lab on E. 2nd, Custom Color on Venables, Rocket Repro in Gastown and many London Drugs locations still process C41 film in an hour. For consumables, Beau Photo at Granville and 6th and Leo’s Cameras still stock a rather respectable selection of film and chemistry.

Deconstructing the Film Era on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
A sad day today as one of the most visible vestiges of the film era of photography in Vancouver falls to the wrecking ball. The old ABC Photocolour lab on West 4th is getting knocked down to make way for yet more condos, just like everything else in Vancouver.
Not as sad as it could be though as ABC Photo lives on in their new location at Cambie and 15th, formerly the location of G King photo labs.
Vancouver’s actually a pretty lucky place for a film photographer to live still with a fairly healthy ecosystem still in place. There’s The Lab on E. 2nd, Custom Color on Venables, Rocket Repro in Gastown and many London Drugs locations still process C41 film in an hour. For consumables, Beau Photo at Granville and 6th and Leo’s Cameras still stock a rather respectable selection of film and chemistry.

The Key to Success in Business on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Find a market that isn’t being targeted by anyone else.