
Sad News from the Mediterranean on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
It was with great sadness that we received the news this evening that Lisa’s Uncle Paul passed earlier today.
A force of nature, he was our much more than willing tour guide for our two weeks there in 2009, maintaining a pace that we had great difficulty keeping up with he showed us every conceivable nook and cranny of Malta and the Island of Gozo.
A much larger figure than his small stature would suggest, he’ll be greatly missed. Despite only having spent a few weeks with him and periodic skype calls since, I felt as close to him as any of my own relations. I am very fortunate to have known him even for such a short time.
Rest in Peace Paul.

Sniffly but happy on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Trajan’s a little under the weather with his latest case of the sniffles this weekend but, aside from the runny nose, you wouldn’t know it. He’s happy and smiley as ever, if a little less active than usual. Plus, he was nice enough to pass his cold along to Dad, making for my third cold this year or, 3x my usual number of colds in a year. Yippee!! :-(
(I’m less happy about this than he is)

A Fine Sunday Wander on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Got out for some aimless wandering this morning with Shane and Will, something I don’t get anywhere near enough time for these days. Intended to go to Nitobe Gardens at UBC but, it was closed so we went to the Museum of Anthropology and Wreck Beach instead.
Oi, those stairs. I’ll feel it in the morning for sure but, Wreck Beach is a lovely place off season, when it’s not littered with smelly, naked hippies. Can hardly wait to get the film souped!

Another from the archives on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Sorry for the general paucity of new stuff here in recent weeks, have actually been very busy but not quite ready to share yet. Here’s another shot I found in my archives this past week, from a shoot I had little recollection of having done of Bernie and Lindsay then of the Colorifics way back in the day (Spring, 1996). Bernie’s got a new lineup for the Colorifics these days and still plays around town. Lindsay’s gone out east where she found success under the nom de plume Lily Frost. She was also sweet enough to randomly drop by the studio several times with Hedge Hogs for no particular reason. A real sweetheart.
Shot on Agfa APX 25 most likely developed in Rodinal at 1:50, almost certainly an 85mm f/2.0 with a Nikon of some description. Lit by big Balcar monobloc 3’s through large diffusers.

Instant Koala Punk on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
Despite my best efforts to ensure the Koala Punk has a rounded knowledge of photographic history, I was shocked to realize today that he had no idea what a polaroid was nor that it was possible to have a camera larger than his head. Even the concept of an instant photo was entirely foreign to him. And, a flash that plugs into the wall?!?
Well, this could simply not stand. Out comes the Linhof, a pack of Fuji FP100c goes into the back, the Elinchrom is fitted with an umbrella and, voila…he knows what all of those things are now.
He’s sleeping now, allowing me to get the scans done. The hard part is, which of the prints do I send him home with…

The Koala Punk didn’t believe… on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
That I had a camera bigger than his head. He knows better than to doubt me now.

Iona Beach was a mysterious place in the 90’s on Flickr.
Via Flickr:
All sorts of strange goings on.
Forgotten shot from a lifetime ago found in a trek through the archives.